Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ceylon Waltz - Adagio

Ceylon Waltz Leaves Adagio
Ceylon Waltz Brewed
Ceylon Waltz Milk Tea

There's really not much to say about Ceylon tea. It's what most people think of when they hear black tea. This tea from Adagio has a very nice well rounded 'black tea' flavor. While there is nothing spectacular about Ceylon Waltz, there's notihing wrong with it either. The tea brews clear and fragrant with little to no bitterness unless you let the leaves steep for more than 5 minutes.

Two heaping teaspoons of leaves were steeped for 5 minutes with 2 cups of boiling (distilled) water. However, since today is 97 degrees (without humidity), it's just too hot for a hot cup of tea.  So about half way through my cup of Ceylon Waltz, I added a bunch of ice, milk, and honey for a cool milk tea.

This is a good tea if you like black teas, sweet teas, iced teas, or milk teas.  However, don't be disappointed by the absolutely unspectacular flavor of this tea.

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